Car Classes

The following information has been pulled directly from the 2000 Rules and Records Southern California Timing Association. However, this information in no way covers all of the relevant rules and regulations which must be followed when building a legal race vehicle for SCTA or BNI events. It is the responsibility of the competitor to make sure their race vehicle(s) meets all safety and class requirements before competing at Lake Gairdner, El Mirage, Muroc or Bonneville!

The car classes are divided into four general categories;

The general rules for each category apply to all classes in that category.

Engine Class Breaks

Special Construction Category

This category is the pinnacle of the straightaway racer’s art. It contains two groups, the unlimited Streamliners and open wheeled Lakesters, running both blown and unblown, gas or fuel engines. These are all-out straightaway vehicles with non-stock engine blocks allowed. Innovation is unlimited. Modified production bodies are forbidden.

It is strongly recommended that all new vehicles be submitted for a pre-event inspection by appointment with the Technical Committee. If not practical because of distance, photographs and drawings may be submitted to the Chief Steward.

Streamliner - /BFS, /FS, /BGS, /GS
This class is for the all-out land speed record car. Cars in this class must have at least four wheels, but they need not be arranged in a rectangular configuration. The design of the body is restricted only to the extent that at least two (2) wheels must be covered.

Body Code Body Class Description
306 BFS Blown Fuel Streamliner
329 FS Unblown Fuel Streamliner
313 BGS Blown Gas Streamliner
336 GS Unblown Gas Streamliner


Lakester - /BFL, /FL, /BGL, /GL
Special cars constructed in such a way that there is no streamlining, fairing or covering of the wheels and tires. Tread width is optional, so long as no part of the body or axle fairing is wider than the narrowest inner vertical plane of the tires. Wing struts must be within the inner vertical plane of the rear tires. The wing must be mounted at least 12" above the top of the rear tire as measured from the lowest part of the wing. Front wings must be no wider than the inner vertical plane of the narrowest set of tires.

Body Code Body Class Description
303 BFL Blown Fuel Lakester
326 FL Unblown Fuel Lakester
  310 Blown Gas Lakester
333 GL Unblown Gas Lakester

Electric Vehicle - /E
This class is for vehicles using electric power as the sole means of propulsion. The vehicles must be wheel driven, either front or rear. Four wheel drive is allowed. THE BODY CONFIGURATION IS UNLIMITED. The vehicle and driver must meet all technical and safety regulations based on the speed of the existing record. The class will be based on vehicle weight less driver. The entrant MUST provide an annual weight certificate for classification purposes.

Body Code Body Class Description
323 E Electric Vehicle

Turbine Vehicle - /T
This class is for vehicles using turbine power (external combustion), as the sole means of propulsion. The vehicles must be wheel driven, either front or rear. Four wheel drive is allowed. THE BODY CONFIGURATION IS UNLIMITED. The vehicle and driver must meet all technical and safety regulations based on the speed of the existing record. The class will be based on vehicle weight less driver. The entrant MUST provide an annual weight certificate for classification purposes.

Body Code Body Class Description
356 T Turbine Vehicle

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This category is specifically intended for the lovers of antique iron. Although fiberglass and aluminum bodies are allowed, they must be an exact replica of an American production car, except for the Vintage Oval Track class. No modification is allowed to the body proper from the stock firewall location back and the window down, and only limited modifications are allowed to the hood and top.

This category runs the gamut from the basically stock Street Roadster and Vintage Gas Coupe to the slightly modified Highboy Roadsters and Vintage Altered Coupes, to streamlined Modified Roadsters and Vintage Competition Coupes and Vintage Oval Track cars.

Except for the Vintage Oval Track vehicles, only automobile bodies produced by an American manufacturer prior to 1948, at a rate of 500 or more yearly, or exact replicas of such bodies are allowed. Tops may be chopped, but no other alteration to the contour or size of the body shell is allowed, except as specifically allowed in the class rules. Wheel wells may be filled, but not deepened. Rear axles may be narrowed, as long as no part of the tires extend within the body shell. Turbochargers are not allowed on Vintage class engines competing in Vintage Body classes, see Section II-1.

The minimum tread dimensions for all Vintage Category vehicles is 44" front and 50" rear. Modified Roadsters are exempt from the front tread requirement.

Bodies must be mounted in a conventional manner and all stock panels must be mounted in their original relationship. No fenders are allowed on MODIFIED, FUEL or GAS Roadsters. Firewalls may be altered, moved or replaced entirely.

Modified Roadster - /BFMR, /FMR, /BGMR, /GMR
In addition to the general category requirements, cars in this class must have a production roadster body or an exact replica of a roadster body produced between 1923 and 1938.

Any type of frame may be used, and the engine may be set back 50% of the wheelbase. The driver’s seat may be at any location between the firewall and the rear axle centerline.

Streamlining ahead of and including the cowl, channeling, belly pans and skirts is permitted. No fairings or special covering of the wheels and tires are permitted. Rigid tonneau covers and headrest fairings are allowed, as long as they do not violate the definition of an open car. The body may be cut out to move the driver as far back as possible, so long as (s)he remains seated forward of the rear axle centerline and behind the engine. Wheel wells may be filled at stock location, but the rear axle must not be narrowed to the point that the inner vertical plane of the rear tires is narrower than the original inner fender well. No alterations to the turtle deck are allowed. Headrest and parachute pack fairings are allowed, as long as they are no larger than the headrest or parachute pack and do not extend past the rear of the body shell. No contouring of the fairing is allowed. Push bars must not be solid or offer any aerodynamic advantage. Maximum wheelbase is 190". Allowable minimum tread widths are 50" rear and 38" front. Allowable minimum body width across the bottom of the body at the front doors is 34". Wings are allowed. The wing width, including side plates, must not be wider than the inner vertical plane of the rear tires. The maximum allowable height of the wing must not exceed 65" from the ground as measured to the highest part of the wing. The rear of the wing (including side plates) may not be set back more than 18" behind the rear of the body. Multiple element wings are NOT allowed. Spoilers and four wheel drive systems are NOT allowed.

Minimum Wheelbase Requirements:

  • Classes AA, A 110 inches
  • Classes B, C, D 105 inches
  • Classes E, XXF, XXO 100 inches
  • Classes F, XF, XO, V4 95 inches
  • Classes G, H 90 inches


Body Code Body Class Description
3045 BFMR Blown Fuel Modified Roadster
327 FMR Unblown Fuel Modified Roadster
311 BGMR Blown Gas Modified Roadster
334 GMR Unblown Gas Modified Roadster

Fuel - Gas Roadster - /BFR, /FR, BGR, GR
In addition to the general category requirements, cars in this class must have a production roadster body or an exact replica of a roadster body produced between 1928 and 1938.

Any type frame may be used and the body may be channeled to the bottom of the lower frame rail. Engines may be set back 25% of the wheelbase. Driver location is optional, as long as the driver’s entire body is between the firewall and the rear axle centerline.

Grille shells must have a minimum of 530 square inches (‘28 Ford) and must be mounted in the same vertical position as the original shell. Grille shell shall be measured at the widest point at the original shell and hood parting line.

Height of grille shell may be no higher than the cowl of the body as constructed. Grille shell width may not be altered, but may be sectioned or bobbed. Grille shells manufactured after 1932 may not be used on 1932 or earlier bodies. Tanks of any kind in front of the grille shell are specifically prohibited.

The body at the original windshield line may be recontoured to a flat configuration, so long as the body contour is not lower than the top of the doors, and the distance between the bottom of the frame and body contour measured at the original windshield line is not less than 28-1/4". Grille openings may be covered by flat panels. Door hinges, windshield posts, filler caps, and brackets may be removed.

The configuration of the bodywork between the original windshield line and the grille shell is optional, as long as the overall length of the car (from the front of the grille shell to the rear of the body) with any grille shell is no greater than 143" for roadsters manufactured between 1928 and 1932. The maximum overall body length for 1933/34 Ford roadsters is 152". Step pans are allowed, but belly pans or any other horizontal paneling not fitting the definition of floorboard are specifically forbidden. A flat panel may be located behind the grille shell and ahead of the vertical projection of the leading edge of the engine block. The panel must not be lower than the frame at any point plus the thickness of the material used. Streamlining as defined in Section IV-26 is not allowed.

Minimum Wheelbase Requirements:

  • Classes AA, A, B, C, D, E, XXF, XXO 100 inches
  • Classes F, XF, XO, V4 95 inches
  • Classes G, H 90 inches


    Body Code Body Class Description
    305 BFR Blown Fuel Roadster
    328 FR Unblown Fuel Roadster
    312 BGR Blown Gas Roadster
    335 GR Unblown Gas Roadster

Street Roadster - /BSTR, /STR (Gas only)
In addition to the general category requirements, cars in this class must have an American production roadster body, or an exact replica of a body produced between 1923 and 1938. The body must not be altered in height, width or contour, and all stock panels, including cowl, cowl eyebrow and windshield post mounting brackets (stanchion) must be retained. Stock panels, including hood side panels, front fenders, running boards, etc., must be mounted in their original relationship to each other. Replica panels must be exact copies of stock panels in size and contour. Hood side panels may be extended to match the length of the hood IF the hood is extended. Rear fenders may be bobbed to the bottom of the body. Radiator shells/grille shells must be of the same manufacturer as the body (e.g., Ford to Ford, etc.) or not less than 530 square inches, and may be sectioned or bobbed, but the width may not be altered. The radiator must fill the shell opening. The grille shell insert must remain open as in the original configuration and be stock style or removed completely. NO custom inserts are allowed.

Only cylindrical tanks are allowed in front of the grille. The tank MUST be mounted horizontally between and above the frame rails. The maximum allowable dimensions for the tank are: 10" outside diameter, 32" circumference, 19" long, mounted a maximum of 2" from the leading edge of the grille.

Any frame may be used which is fabricated of round, square, or rectangular steel tubing, not less than 2" x .120" or channel not less than 4" x .120". No multi-tube frames may be used. Any type rear end may be used, and widening of the rear tread to allow the tires to protrude beyond the fenders is permitted.

Hood length, as determined by the year of the BODY, may be increased a maximum of 3" as measured along the top centerline of the hood. Front cross members may be moved to correspond to the increase in hood length. A maximum of 15% engine set back is permitted to allow adequate clearance for water pump and blower drives.

The driver must sit in the stock location, and must not be restricted from entrance to or exit from the car by the cockpit covering. The body may be channeled 6" to the bottom of the frame. Flooring in the car must be stock, or above the top lip of the top frame rail. Rigid tonneau covers are allowed, as long as they do not violate the definition of an open car. The following are NOT PERMITTED: streamlining or sectioning of the body, belly or step pans, or fairings. Headers may be used, but no individual stacks are permitted.

The following items are required: a horn, at least one tail/stop light, a transmission and two headlights. Headlights must be at least 5" in diameter. Both lights will be mounted outside the vertical edges of the grille shell and between 18" and 24" from the ground.

The following items are optional: bumpers, current registration, floor mats, full upholstery, generator, hood side panels, parking brake, license plate, front fenders, running boards, tarp or windshield.

Engine classes allowed are: AA, A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, XF, XO, XXF, XXO & V4

Body Code Body Class Description
316 BSTR Blown Street Roadster
348 STR Unblown Street Roadster


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Blown & Unblown VINTAGE Classes
The rules in these classes are identical to the respective Modified category classes, except that only 1948 or earlier bodies with XF, XO, XXF, XXO, or V4 engines are allowed. In all classes except /VGC, fenders and running boards may be removed if it can be done by unbolting the fenders from the body. Pre-1949 bodies can have a 3" beauty chop. Pre-1949 cars must have radiator/grille shells of same manufacturer as the body, e.g., Ford on Ford, etc. Air dams are not permitted in the Vintage Gas Coupe and Sedan classes using vintage engines.

All closed vehicles that would qualify as a V4 Production coupe or sedan will compete in the V4 Gas Coupe class. All open vehicles that would qualify as V4 Production roadster will compete in the V4 Street Roadster class.

Blown Vintage Competition Coupe: XF/BVCC, XO/BVCC, XXF/BVCC, XXO/BVCC & V4/BVCC

Blown Vintage Gas Competition Coupe: XF/BVGCC, XO/BVGCC, XXF/BVGCC, XXO/BVGCC & V4/BVGCC



Blown Vintage Gas Coupe and Sedan: XF/BVGC, XO/BVGC, XXF/BVGC, XXO/BVGC & V4/BVGC


Vintage Competition Coupe: XF/VCC, XO/VCC, XXF/VCC, XXO/VCC & V4/VCC

Vintage Gas Competition Coupe: XF/VGCC, XO/VGCC, XXF/VGCC, XXO/VGCC & V4/VGCC



Vintage Gas Coupe and Sedan: XF/VGC, XO/VGC, XXF/VGC, XXO/VGC & V4/VGC

Body Code Body Class Description
317 BVFALT Blown Vintage Fuel Altered Coupe & Sedan
318 BVFCC Blown Vintage Fuel Competition Coupe & Sedan
319 BVGALT Blown Vintage Gas Altered Coupe & Sedan
320 BVGC Blown Vintage Gas Coupe & Sedan
321 BVGCC Blown Vintage Gas Competition Coupe & Sedan
350 VFALT Unblown Vintage Fuel Altered Coupe
351 VFCC Unblown Vintage Fuel Competition Coupe
352 VGALT Unblown Vintage Gas Altered Coupe
353 VGC Unblown Vintage Gas Coupe
354 VGCC Unblown Vintage Gas Competition Coupe


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Vintage Oval Track - /VOT
The Vintage Oval Track class is for old style race cars with pre-1948 engine block design, i.e., no modern overhead V-8’s or blowers. This class is for vintage-engine, old-style open wheel, rear drive, dirt track and Indy, one or two seat cars, with a tapered tail, cowl, and belly pan extending at least from the firewall to behind the driver’s seat.

No production body panels are permitted, except for the grille shell, i.e., no track roadsters. A fully functioning radiator must be mounted in front of the engine, and the fuel tank must be mounted in the tail behind the driver. The driver shall sit entirely behind the engine, ahead of the rear axle, and shall not recline more than 5 degrees from the vertical. The frame may be of any construction except monocoque, and all wheels must be sprung.

Wings or wheel fairings are NOT permitted, but spun aluminum wheel discs are allowed. The usual track-style nerf bars are optional if they give no aerodynamic aid.

Tarps and panels may be fitted around the cockpit, but there may be no covering above the driver’s head, except for the roll cage; nor any panel which must be moved or swung to safely enter or leave the cockpit, i.e., doors or hatches. Except for such tarps and panels, the appearance and design of cars in this category must be practical for, and as were used in, TRACK and SPEEDWAY competition.

Minimum wheelbase is 86", minimum tread is 50", (except for Midget class which has a minimum wheelbase of 68") and maximum of 76", a minimum tread of 42" and a maximum wheel size of 13". Direct-mounted dog clutches or Offy (NOT Ford A) drum-type flywheel-clutch assemblies need not be covered by a scattershield. All other safety rules are applicable. Particular attention will be paid to arm restraints, adequate caster, and proper steering ratios.

All cars must have a full roll cage, SCTA, CRA or USAC approved. Fuel is restricted to gas or alcohol. Nitromethane or nitrous oxide are not allowed. In this class only, non-production overhead cam engines of pre-’48 design (Miller, Offy, HAL, etc.) run in XXO Class. Engine classes allowed are XO, XF, XXF, XXO, V4.

Engine classes allowed are XO, XF, XXF, XXO &V4

Midget Vintage Oval Track - /MVOT

Body Code Body Class Description
344 MVOT Midget Vintage Oval Track
355 VOT Vintage Oval Track

Maximum cid - Midget Vintage Oval Track /MVOT - 150 cid Flathead, 125 cid Overhead

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This category encompasses American and foreign coupes, sedans and pickups (with full stock beds), unaltered in height, width or contour, and with all stock panels mounted in original relationship to each other, which have been modified to such an extent as to no longer fit into the production category. Cars generally accepted as sports or Gran Tourissimo coupes are specifically forbidden. A generic requirement for this category is that the car must have been originally produced with suitable seating for four (4) average adult persons.

Within the Modified category, the amount of modification determines the class. For example, a Gas Coupe is basically a Production car with an engine swap, an Altered is a Gas Coupe with headlights and grille covered and the engine set back, a Competition Coupe is an Altered with the nose lengthened and streamlined.

Front air dams are permitted in the Modified Category. The air dam may be either identical to an OEM option for the body used, available as an aftermarket part or fabricated. The air dam may extend straight down from the front bumper and may extend rearward to the leading edge of the front wheel well. The air dam must follow the contour of the leading edge of the front bumper unless the air dam is an OEM item. The air dam may be set back from the front bumper, but in no case can the air dam extend forward or above the leading edge of the front bumper.

Vehicles competing in the Competition Coupe and Modified Sports classes must have documentation showing the stock vehicle BEFORE modification.

It is REQUIRED that vehicles in this category which exceed 200 MPH, or if the existing record is over 200 MPH, must have roof rails.

Competition Coupe & Sedan: /BFCC, /FCC, /BGCC, /GCC
Production coupe or sedan body unaltered in width or contour. Streamlining ahead of and including the cowl, channeling, belly pans and skirts and spoilers as defined in section IV-24 h) are permitted. One of the following modifications must be done to be considered in this class:
1) Top must be chopped;
2) It must have a full belly pan;
3) Body from the cowl forward must be lengthened a minimum of 12"; and
4) Engine must be set back a minimum of 25%.

Other than top chopping, no modification to the body or quarter panels is allowed. Minimum windshield height is 5". The front and rear chop must be equal. Window openings may be covered by flat plates on the outside of the opening or left open. Driver must sit COMPLETELY ahead of the rear axle, inside body and behind the engine (except in rear engine cars using original engine LOCATION). Engine may be set back 50% of the wheelbase. Driver exit hatches in the roof are recommended, but must not change the contour of the body. Cars in this class are considered in the Modified category and must comply with general rules of the category.

NOTE: Entrants electing to use a pre-1949 body in the Competition Coupe classes need not comply with the seating requirement for four (4) average size adults. The rear inner fender panels may be modified to allow the rear tires to be located within the body. This allowance does NOT apply to Vintage Category. Drip rails may be removed.

Engine classes allowed are: AA, A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, XF, XO, XXF, XXO, XF/V, XO/V, XXF/V, XXO/V & V4/V

Body Code Body Class Description
302 BFCC Blown Fuel Competition Coupe
309 BGCC Blown Gas Competition Coupe
325 FCC Unblown Fuel Competition Coupe
332 GCC Unblown Gas Competition Coupe


Fuel Altered Coupe: /BFALT, /FALT

Gas Altered Coupe: /BGALT, /GALT

This class encompasses coupe or sedan bodies, 1928 or later, unaltered in height, width, length or contour, mounted in the conventional manner with all panels mounted in the original relationship to each other.

Any frame may be used as long as the bottom line of the frame is not higher than the outer bottom line of the body between the firewall and the rear wheels. An exception will be made if a stock frame and the same year/make of body is being used. If the ORIGINAL frame/body relationship is such that the lower bottom line of the frame is above the outer bottom line of the body, that frame/body combination may be used. The burden of proof of the ORIGINAL frame/body relationship lies with the entrant. The frame may not be exposed from the bottom of the body. This rule does NOT apply to vintage body class vehicles.

This class is allowed a 2% maximum body stretch in the cowl area, in front of the firewall similar to NHRA Pro Stock bodies. This does not apply to Vintage class. An engine swap as defined in section IV-12 is permitted.

No streamlining allowed. Wheel wells may not be filled or covered. Bumpers, grilles and front lights may be removed and the opening created may be filled or covered. The filled or covered area may be flush with the adjacent body; the basic shape and contour of the vehicle cannot be changed. Aftermarket front ends are allowed, as long as the item conforms to these guidelines. Engine intake air may be ducted

from these openings. Any horizontal paneling, which may be construed as a belly pan, is prohibited. No taped or filled body, door or window seams are allowed from the firewall back. Step pans are allowed. Windows must be mounted in the stock fashion or fastened to the inside of the window openings. A non stock spoiler is permitted as defined in section IV-24 h). Any type of exhaust may be used and can exit anywhere from the body but the top.

Roof mounted spoilers (other than original for body used) are prohibited. Pre-1949 bodies may be chopped. The chop must be equal front to rear and must retain a vertical windshield height of at least 6" above the top of the cowl with a maximum horizontal length of 7" from the base of the windshield at the center of the car. Driver must sit completely ahead of the rear axle, inside the body, and behind the engine (except in rear engine cars using the original engine LOCATION). Engines may be set back 25% of the wheelbase. Drip rails may be removed.

Cars in this class are considered in the Modified Category and should comply with the General Rules of the category

Engine classes allowed are: AA, A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, XF, XO, XXF, XXO, XF/V, XO/V, XXF/V, XXO/V & V4/V

Body Code Body Class Description
301 BFALT Blown Fuel Altered Coupe
307 BGALT Blown Gas Altered Coupe
324 FALT Unblown Fuel Altered Coupe
330 GALT Unblown Gas Altered Coupe


Gas Coupe and Sedan: /BGC, /GC
This class encompasses coupes, sedans, and convertibles which must have an engine swap, quickchange rear end, or a non-stock supercharger, any one of which makes the car ineligible for competition in Production class. Gas Coupe class includes Camaros, Barracudas, 1958 or later T-Birds, Mustangs, compacts and other cars of this type. 500 must have been produced yearly. Front wheel drive cars which have been converted to rear wheel drive are not permitted in this class.

As in Production, Gas Coupes may not be altered in height, width, length or contour, and all body panels must be mounted in the original relationship. An engine swap as defined in section IV-12 is permitted.

Bucket seats may be used. Upholstery and/or passenger seat assembly may be removed. Pre-1949 bodies may have a 3" maximum chopped top. The engine may be set back a maximum of 2% of the wheelbase.

The following items must be retained in stock location and of the same year as the body: frame, fenders, hood, grille, drip rails (must not be filled), windows, door handles, window trim, headlights (high and low beam), tail lights, parking lights, stop lights and bumpers. A conventional automotive radiator must be used in the stock location e.g. in front of the engine, behind the grille. A starter capable of starting the engine is required.

The following body and chassis modifications may be made: wheel openings may be radiused, generator, horn and stock gas tank may be removed and headers may be used (no individual stacks). Exhaust collectors may exit through the front fenders. Minor chrome trim and emblems may be removed, air scoops may be used.

The following are not permitted: streamlining, belly pans, step pans, air vents, headlight air scoops, channelling, exhaust outlets through the doors or hood, blocked-off grilles or radiators, taped or filled body, door or window seams or one piece front ends.

NOTE: Any "narrowing" or fairing of bumpers into the body will result in the car being placed in Altered Class. Bumpers must be stock and in stock position. Air dams are allowed. See specifications outlined in Modified category description.

Vehicles in this category that exceed 200 MPH, or if the existing record is 200 MPH, are REQUIRED to have roof rails.

Engine classes allowed are: AA, A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, XF, XO, XXF, XXO, XF/V, XO/V, XXF/V, XXO/V & V4/V

Body Code Body Class Description
308 BGC Blown Gas Coupe
331 GC Unblown Gas Coupe


Modified Sports: /BMS, /MS (Gas Only)
This class is intended for production sports cars as accepted for GT class which have been modified to such an extent as to make the vehicle illegal for the Production Category. This class is limited to production, a minimum of 500 vehicles of the same model for sale to the general public, sports cars, examples of which include Chevrolet Corvette, Porsche 911, Mazda RX7, and Nissan Z series automobiles. Limited production, 50 examples produced, sports car bodies which may be placed on any frame will be permitted. No "one of a kind" bodies will be allowed. Production sports cars with an engine swap will be allowed.

Streamlining ahead of and including the cowl, channeling, belly pans and skirts is permitted. Removal of minor trim and bumpers is allowed, as long as the body is not altered in length, width or contour. Air dams and spoilers as defined in this book are allowed. Windshields may be lowered or removed. Coupe tops may be chopped. No wings are allowed unless the wing was offered as an OEM item for the year/model of vehicle used. The wing must have been available on the vehicle as purchased new and unmodified from the dealer. The entrant is required to provide suitable documentation.

Any frame may be used which is made of round, rectangular, or square steel tubing not less than 2" x .120", channel not less than 4" x .120", or multi-tube frames which have equivalent strength characteristics.

Maximum wheelbase allowed shall be 130". Any type of rearend may be used.

Engine placement is optional, so long as no change is made to the driver’s location as originally designed. The driver must be seated behind the engine, except in the case of production and limited production bodies which were designed for mid/rear engine locations. The driver must not be restricted from entry or exit of the vehicle by the cockpit covering.

The following items are required: a starter capable of starting the engine, tail/stop lights, a transmission, either manual or automatic, and radiator when originally equipped.

The following items are not permitted: air vents, taping of body or window seams, and headrest fairings which extend past the rear of the body.

This class may run Nitrous Oxide, but will be advanced two (2) engine classes.

Engine classes allowed are: AA, A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H & I

Body Code Body Class Description
360 BFMS Blown Fuel Modified Sports
361 BGMS Blown Gas Modified Sports
362 FMS Unblown Fuel Modified Sports
363 GMS Unblown Gas Modified Sports


Modified Pickup Truck: MP (Gas Only)
This class is for 1949 and later American made pickup trucks with full stock bed, unaltered in height, width or contour, with all panels mounted in the original relationship to each other. Samples of allowed trucks include but are not limited to: Chevrolet C series, Ford F series and others.

Pickup trucks in this class are considered in the Modified Category, Gas Coupe class and should therefore comply with all rules of this category and class.

Any supercharger moves the engine up two (2) classes; production full-time four-wheel drive trucks must compete in this category and class.

Engine classes allowed are: AA, A, B, C, D, E, XXO, XXF, XO & XF

Body Code Body Class Description
338 BMP Blown Modified Pickup
342 MP Modified Pickup

Modified Mid/Mini Pickup Truck - MMP (Gas only)
This class is for 1972 and later American and Foreign made mid and mini sized pickup trucks with full stock bed, unaltered in height, width or contour with all panels mounted in original relationship to each other. Samples of allowed trucks include but are not limited to: Chevrolet S-10, Ford Ranger, Nissan and Toyota.

Any supercharger moves the engine up two (2) classes; production full-time four-wheel drive trucks must compete in this category and class.

Engine classes allowed are: C, D, E, F, G, H & I

Body Code Body Class Description
339 BMMP Blown Modified Mid-Mini Pickup
340 PMP Production Mid-Mini Pickup
341 MMP Production Mid-Mini Pickup

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Production Coupe and Sedan: /PRO (Gas Only)
This category is intended to represent typical transportation vehicles which may be purchased from ANY automobile dealer. 500 examples of the model used must have been produced yearly. In keeping with this intent, the cars are aerodynamically "stone stock" with no body parts allowed which were not part of the manufacturer’s production for the series of the vehicle involved. The engine used must have been available in the model of vehicle used as purchased from ANY automobile dealer. Modified body, body panels, spoilers, air dams, etc. intended for, as accepted or sanctioned by NASCAR, NHRA, SCCA, IMSA, etc., are not permitted for use in this category unless specifically allowed. A manufacturer’s part number does not constitute an original, factory installed body part. Both exterior and interior body panels are considered to be part of a production vehicle and must be mounted in their original relationship to each other. A different displacement size of the same design engine may be used, provided it does not constitue an "Engine Swap" as defined in Section IV-12. Vehicles originally produced as a front wheel drive chassis and converted to rear wheel or four wheel drive chassis are NOT eligible for competition in the Production category. Choice of camshafts, carburetion, and ignition is unlimited. Cylinder heads are limited to original number of valves and port configuration.

It is REQUIRED that vehicles in this category that exceed 200 MPH, or if the existing record is over 200 MPH, must have roof rails.


XX/PRO class is limited to cylinder head port configuration as originally designed. This applies to the XXF and XXO engine classes.

Engine classes allowed are: AA, A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, XF, XO, XXO

This class is for American and foreign coupes, sedans, unaltered in height, width or contour, with all stock panels mounted in original relationship to each other. This category does not include cars properly classified as Sports or GT, such as foreign cars without rear seats suitable for continued adult occupancy. It does include Mustangs, Camaros, Barracudas, 1958 or later Thunderbirds, compacts, and other American cars of this type. There must have been 500 produced yearly. Convertible tops and rear windows must be up when running.

The following items must be retained in stock location and of the same year as the body: frame, fenders, hood, grille, drip rails (must not be filled), windows, door handles, window trim, headlights (high and low beam), tail lights, parking lights, stop lights, radiator, both bumpers and horn. Stock gas tank must be fitted, but need not be used. Any transmission, non-quick change rear end, and starter capable of starting engine may be used, so long as the original running gear design is retained.

The following body and chassis modifications may be made: headers, hood scoop, wheel openings (may be radiused), passenger and rear seat may be removed. Air dams and air spoilers identical to factory optional equipment for the body in question may be added, bucket seats may be used, original side panel upholstery or equivalent must remain, minor chrome trim and emblems may be removed.

The following are NOT permitted: streamlining, belly pans, air ducts, air vents, headlight air scoops, chopping, channeling, quick change rear ends, stepped frames, exhaust outlets through the front fenders, or hood, or body, blocked-off grilles or radiators, engine relocation, body or interior gutting, supercharging, engine swaps, taped body or window seams. Rules for this class will be strictly enforced to ensure that cars entered herein are typical of street machines which may be purchased from ANY automobile dealer.

Engine classes allowed are: AA, A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I and J, XF, XO & XXO.

Body Code Body Class Description
346 PRO Production Coupe & Sedan

Production-Supercharged: /PS (Gas Only)
This class is intended for American and foreign coupes, sedans and pick-ups (with full stock beds) that meet the requirement of the Production Coupe and Sedan Class that are equipped with factory supercharger systems. The vehicle must be as originally equipped and configured, e.g., if it comes with two (2) superchargers, it must have two (2) superchargers. Emission equipment, e.g., air pumps, catalytic converters, etc. may be removed. All other requirements of the Production Coupe and Sedan class apply. Supercharged sports coupes equipped with rear jump seats, such as Mazda RX7 Turbo and Porsche 930 series which would be considered a GT class vehicle, must compete in the Blown GT class.

Engine classes allowed are: C, D, E, F, G, H, I and J 

Body Code Body Class Description
347 PS Production Supercharged

Grand Touring Sport: /BGT, /GT (Gas Only)

Series production sports cars and coupes, as well as limited production cars by a recognized automobile manufacturer, which are primarily intended for comfortable high speed touring. At least 500 of the same model must have been produced. This category does not include cars with rear seats suitable for continued adult occupancy.

The following items must be retained in stock location and of the same year as the body: frame, fenders, hood, grille, drip rails (must not be filled), windows, door handles, window trim, headlights (high and low beam), tail lights, parking lights, stop lights, radiator, both bumpers and horn. Stock gas tank must be fitted, but need not be used. Any transmission, non-quick change rear end, and starter capable of starting engine may be used, as long as the original running gear design is retained. Independent rear suspension may be replaced with any non-quick change rear end.

The following body and chassis modifications may be made: wheel openings may be radiused, generator may be removed and any exhaust system capable of being closed off may be used (no individual stacks). Air dams and air spoilers identical to factory optional equipment for the body in question may be added, bucket seats may be used (as long as original side panel upholstery or equivalent remain) minor chrome trim and emblems may be removed, and air scoops may be used. Stock windshield may not be removed or lowered.

Any tarps must be nonrigid. Engine swaps are permitted, as long as they are of the same manufacturer (e.g., Ford into Ford, Porsche into Porsche, etc.).

This class may run nitrous oxide, but will be advanced two (2) engine classes.

The following are not permitted: streamlining, belly pans, air ducts, air vents, headlight air scoops, chopping, channeling, quick change rear ends, stepped frames, exhaust outlets through the front fenders or hood, blocked off grilles or radiators, engine relocation, body and interior gutting, taped body or window seams.

Rules for this class will be strictly enforced to ensure that cars entered herein are typical of street machines which may be purchased from an automobile dealer.

Engine classes allowed are: AA, A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I & J

Body Code Body Class Description
314 BGT Blown Grand Touring Sports
337 GT Unblown Grand Touring Sports


Production Pickup Truck: PP (Gas Only)
This class is for 1949 and later American made pickup trucks, with full stock bed, unaltered in height, width or contour, with all panels mounted in the original relationship to each other. Samples of allowed trucks include but are not limited to: Chevrolet C series, Ford F series and others.

Pickup trucks in this class are considered in the Production Category, Production class and should therefore comply with all rules of this category and class.

Any supercharger and/or production full-time four-wheel drive trucks must compete in the Modified Category, Modified Pickup class.

Engine classes allowed are: AA, A, B, C, D, E, XO & XF

Body Code Body Class Description
345 PP Production Pickup


Production Mid/Mini Pickup Truck: PMP (Gas Only)
This class is for 1972 and later American and Foreign made mid and mini sized pickup trucks with full stock bed, unaltered in height, width or contour with all panels mounted in original relationship to each other. Samples of allowed trucks include but are not limited to: Chevrolet S-10, Ford Ranger, Nissan and Toyota.

Any supercharger and/or production full-time four-wheel drive trucks must compete in the Modified Category, Modified Mid/Mini Pickup class.

Engine classes allowed are: C, D, E, F, G, H & I

Body Code Body Class Description
340 PMP Production Mid-Mini Pickup

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Body Code Body Class Description
364 CBFALT Classic Blown Fuel Altered Coupe & Sedan
365 CBGALT Classic Blown Gas Altered Coupe & Sedan
366 CBGC Classic Blown Gas Coupe & Sedan
367 CFALT Classic Unblown Fuel Altered Coupe & Sedan
368 CGALT Classic Unblown Gas Altered Coupe & Sedan
369 CGC Classic Unblown Gas Coupe & Sedan
370 CPRO Classic Production Coupe & Sedan
371 CPS Classic Production Supercharged Coupe & Sedan

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Diesel Truck Category

Unlimited Diesel Truck: /UDT
This class is for diesel fuel powered trucks, only so modified as to be illegal for Modified Diesel Truck class. Any frame and running gear may be used and multiple engines are allowed. The body may be highly modified. Skid plates must be designed and mounted so as to prevent any portion of the running gear from damaging the race course in the event of tire failure. Split rim wheels are not allowed. Wheels must be of either one piece or bolted together design. Streamlining devices are allowed. Tires must be certified for vehicle weight and speed of the class record or minimum. Roll bars are mandatory and must be mounted inside the cab. For other technical regulations, refer to other sections of this book.

Modified Diesel Truck: /MDT
This class is for diesel fuel powered trucks only, with modified bodies not otherwise legal for diesel truck class. The body may not be altered in height, width or length. Truck frame and running gear must be used. Minimum wheel size is 20". Trucks under one (1) ton need not comply with the minimum wheel requirement of 20". Tires must be certified for vehicle weight and speed of class record or minimum. Skid plates must be designed and mounted so as to prevent any portion of the running gear from damaging the race course in the event of tire failure. The skid plates MUST NOT be designed so as to form a bellypan. Streamlining devices are NOT allowed. Roll bars are mandatory and must be mounted inside of the cab. For other technical regulations, refer to other sections of this book.

Highway Hauler: /HH2, /HH3 (2 axle / 3 axle)
American and foreign PRODUCTION diesel powered trucks of not less than 14,500 lbs., unaltered in height, width and contour with all stock panels mounted in the original relationship to each other.

Trucks must be equipped with a fifth wheel pad mounted in the original location. Trucks must be capable of hauling freight.

Any diesel fueled engine supplied by a diesel engine manufacturer and available through normal channels may be used, so long as the basic original design is retained. The engine may be lowered a maximum of 4" and setback a maximum of 12" from the stock location.

A stock cab must be used and be mounted in the original location with respect to the chassis. The cab must be fitted with both driver and passenger seats.

Running boards and steps may be removed. Full exhaust systems must be used and the pipes must extend a minimum of 4" above the cab. Mufflers may be removed. Full brake, tail and turn signal lights must be used. Headlight glass may be removed, however the headlight housing must be retained.

Stock fuel tanks must be removed. The approved location for the fuel tank is behind the cab, mounted between the frame rails.

Tag axles must be used in the 3 axle class. The axle must be available through the truck manufacturer for the make and model of the truck used.

Minimum wheel size is 20". Tires must be certified for vehicle weight and speed of the class record. Skid plates must be designed and mounted so as to prevent any portion of the running gear from damaging the race course in the event of tire failure. The skid plate must not be designed so as to form a bellypan. Roll bars are mandatory and must be mounted inside the cab. For other technical regulations, refer to other sections of this book.

NOTE: All entrants in the Diesel Truck Classes must have equipment available to move a disabled vehicle from the race course.

Diesel Truck: /DT
This class is intended to represent typical diesel pickup trucks which may be of either American or foreign manufacture. This class is limited up to and including one (1) ton vehicles. The body must remain unaltered in height, width and contour, with all stock panels mounted in original relationship to each other.

Engine and driveline swaps are permitted. Flywheel shields are mandatory. Roll bars must be mounted inside the cab.

In this class, all other rules will be the same as Gas Coupe and Sedan class.

Nothing other than commercially available diesel fuel will be allowed. Supercharged engines are not handicapped. Rules for this class will be strictly enforced to ensure that trucks entered herein are typical of street machines which may be purchased from any automobile dealer.

Engine classes allowed are: AA, A, B, C, D, E & F

Body Code Body Class Description
322 DT Diesel Truck
343 MDT Modified Diesel Truck
349 UDT Unlimited Diesel Truck
357 DS Diesel Streamliner
358 HH2 Highway Hauler II
359 HH3 Highway Hauler III

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Ute Category

Body Code Body Class Description
900 BFCU Blown Fuel Competition Ute
901 FCU Fuel Competition Ute
902 BGCU Blown Gas Competition Ute
903 GCU Gas Competition Ute
904 BFALTU Blown Fuel Altered Ute
905 FALTU Fuel Altered Ute
906 BGALTU Blown Gas Altered Ute
907 GALTU Gas Altered Ute
908 BGU Blown Gas Ute
909 GU Gas Ute
910 PSU Production Supercharged Ute
911 PROU Production Ute

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Body Code Body Class Description
323 E Electric Vehicle
356 T Turbine Vehicle
372 S Steam
373 BFRMR Blown Fuel Rear Engine Modified Roadster
374 FRMR Fuel Rear Engine Modified Roadster
375 BGRMR Blown Gas Rear Engine Modified Roadster
376 GRMR Gas Rear Engine Modified Roadster
599 TO Time Only


Engine Class Break

Engine Displacement
Ω 101 Engines using a thermodynamic cycle other than Otto.
AA 102 501 cid and over (8.21 L and over)
A 103 440 - 500 cid (7.21 L - 8.19 L)
B 104 373 - 439 cid (6.11 L - 7.19 L)
C 105 306 - 372 cid (5.01 L - 6.10 L)
D 106 261 - 305 cid (4.27 L - 5.00 L)
E 107 184 - 260 cid (3.01 L - 4.26 L)
F 108 123 - 183 cid (2.01 L - 3.00 L)
G 109 93 - 122 cid (1.51 L - 2.00 L)
H 110 62 - 92 cid (1.01 L - 1.50 L)
I 111 46 - 61 cid (0.76 L - 1.00 L)
J 112 31 - 45 cid (0.51 L - 0.75 L)
K 113 30 cid and under (0.50 L and under)
E1 / T1 114 Electric / Turbine Vehicle Weight I
E2 / T2 115 Electric / Turbine Vehicle Weight II
E3 / T3 116 Electric / Turbine Vehicle Weight III
U 117 For UDT, MDT, HH2 & HH3 Body Classes
  118 Not allocated yet
  119 Not allocated yet
XO 120 Class consists of overhead valve (OHV) and flathead inline engines, 1959 or earlier design, up to 325 cid. Examples include Chevrolet, GMC, Hudson, Packard and Buick sixes and straight eights. Foreign engines are NOT included.
XF 121 Class consists of any production FORD/MERCURY, passenger car V-8 flathead engine, 1932 thru 1953, up to 325 cid
XXF 122 Class is an XF engine, as described, with overhead valve conversion cylinder heads, such as Ardun Ford.
XXO 123 Class is an XO engine, as described, with a specialty cylinder head, such as the Wayne 12 port.
XX/PRO   Class is limited to cyliner head port configuration as originally designed.
V4 124 Vintage Four class consists of any pre-1935 American made four cylinder automotive production engine, up to 220 cid. Specialty heads are allowed. 

Vintage Four engines must compete in a Vintage body (pre-1949), (except in Special Construction) Category. Engine class allowed in Special Construction, Vintage and Modified categories only.

M 125

Midget Vintage engine

S 126 Steam Engine
TO 127 Time Only


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