Hall of Fame



At the AGM in 2015 a suggestion was made for the club to instigate a Hall of Fame. There was unanimous agreement of those members attending the AGM. This led to a brief discussion of what would constitute recognition and membership of a Hall of Fame. Eventually it was decided to leave this to the executive committee to develop the proposal. This page announces the establishment of the DLRA Hall of Fame.


Definition of Hall of Fame

The purpose of the Hall of Fame is to recognise and pay tribute to people who have made significant or outstanding accomplishments or a contribution to the DLRA.

Selection Committee

The selection committee will be made up from members of the Executive Committee and the Event Committee.


By peoples achievement, or those people who have benefited, or contributed to the DLRA.

Inductee Selection

Inductees can be nominated by an active DLRA member or identified by the Selection Committee.
Download a nomination form now.

Other Awards

Additional awards to be selected may include a President’s Award and Volunteer of the Year.


Hall of Fame inductees will be announced at the Annual General Meeting and presentations made to those that are present. The first presentation will be 2017.


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