The DLRA newsletter is produced 4 times a year. Distribution is worldwide hardcopy and internet. Colour inserts can be included. Format is 1/2 A4 portrait. This is a damn cheap way of getting your company promoted.
Opportunities to associate your firm or product with the Dry Lakes Racers Australia and Land Speed Racing in general are available. Various levels of participation can be tailored to fit your needs. Contact us for further information.
The souvineer race program is packed with all the details about the Speed Trials and the drivers. It also features all the current records and we are working on a full color center page insert.
31st January |
Please send camera ready copy and payment by the deadlines indicated to the DLRA Newsletter Editor
If you have questions or wish to discuss your ad or any other promotion, contact the DLRA Newsletter Editor
We also present a "Best Presented" Award which is judged by the Chief Inspector as worthy of such an award. Sponsorship for this award is $500.
The DLRA is constantly working to improve our annual SPEED TRIALS event for both racers and spectators. We volunteers at the DLRA know that it is the support of businesses and individuals like you that makes this exciting form of grassroots racing possible. Thank you for your Support!
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Support the DLRA
- Promote your business by advertizing in the DLRA Newsletter
- Sponsors Information