Wrights Air



Has been granted a Commercial Tour Operators License by the Minister for Sustainability, Environment and Conservation to operate on the surface of Lake Gairdner

The DLRA have also permitted WrightsAir to take off and land from the surface of the lake to conduct scenic flights and and bring passengers direct to the Lake from where ever they choose.



Prices are subject to 2 passengers minimum on board the aircraft.

Packages   One Way   Return
Port Lincoln to Lake Gairdner return   $850 per person   $1250 per person
Port Augusta to Lake Gairdner   $560 per person   $900 per person
Whyalla to Lake Gairdner   $560 per person   $900 per person
Wudinna to Lake Gairdner   $350 per person   $550 per person
Mt. Ive to Lake Gairdner   $150 per person    
Scenic Flights over the Lake (20min approx.)   $150 per person    
Charter Flights   POA    


Flights are available from almost anywhere around the State of South Australia, direct to the Dry lakes Races, landing you on the lake surface, within easy walking distance to the canteen, the pits and start line.



For anyone interested in flying with us, or for chartering an aircraft to get to the Lake,

Email: info@wrightsair.com.au




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