From the hill to the South East of the camp
The “gate” to the camp
Panarama from the hill to the South East of the camp
This series of shots does a pan around of the camp site going clockwise.
Looking South, original shearers shed, now the DLRA Hilton (for those without tents).Looking North, some of the containers that have been converted into sleeping quarters
Looking North-East, Lynch camp in the forground with the table of knowledge under the satelite aerial.
Looking East, radio tower at the eastern end of the camp, you can also see some of the portable toilets that are used on the Lake. To the right is the water tank for the toilets and showers
Looking South-East, camping area to the back with water tank and toilet/shower blocks in the foreground
Looking South-East again, a good shot of the toilet/shower blocks and some more camp sites
Looking South-East again, a good shot of the toilet/shower blocks and some more camp sites
Looking from the middle of the camp south, plenty of room!Looking from the middle of the camp east
bring a rake to get rid of the prickly saltbush around your camp
Gratuitous plug for the AAA Racing team and their salubrious digs
Aerial view of DLRA Camp
This is the DLRA camp. There are a number of relocatable buildings and storage containers. Members have constructed and installed water tanks, diesel generators, shower and toilet blocks. Competitors and their teams and regular visitors have purchased beds in semi-permenant structures. For other race teams and spectators there is ample room for camping in motorhomes, caravans and tents on un-powered sites, with toilets and showers available.
At the request of the Mt. Ive owners there is to be no further permenant structures.
The camp is located about 6 km's from the lake.
Camping fees can be paid online, or at the registration van in the pits or at the lake entry vehicle check point at lake during Speed Week, once paid you will collect your wrist band which must be worn at all times during Speed Week
DLRA Camp Guidelines
- Camping at the DLRA Camp is permitted from the Thursday before Speed Week. Camping before this time is not allowed. Only ticket holders are permitted to camp. There will be DLRA Officials and volunteers on duty checking this requirement when vehicles arrive to camp. If you don’t have wristbands you are not be permitted to enter the camping area.
- Campers must depart the DLRA Camp the Saturday after Speed Week.
- No camp sites will be allocated - first in, best dressed.
- Access to and the camping area itself is suitable for most vehicles including motorhomes and those with caravans. Caravans with some off road capability are best suited.
- Motorhomes, trailers and campervans must use their grey water tanks. All grey and waste water will need to be stored and emptied once back at a Dump Point
- Disposal of grey water or any waste in the toilets provided is strictly prohibited.
- No pets allowed. The DLRA Camp is located on a working sheep station.
- There is some 240v 10A power available. Bring some long leads.
- We would prefer to have a nice quiet campsite, however if you do need a generator it must not be turned on before 7am and must be switched off by 10pm.
- Please respect the environment and take all rubbish with you.
- Please respect your neighbours in camp and refrain from loud partying and music late at night. Also remember the many kids who may be in the camp.
- If you do not want to travel the 6km's to the DLRA Camp, you can stay at the Mt. Ive camp, but there are not many conveniences and you will need to be pretty self-sufficient.
There is some 240v 10A power available at the DLRA camp, however access points for campers are limited. The points are located at the amenities block.
The power is primarily to run the DLRA water pumps for toilets and showers and the cool room and to provide limited lighting. Most of the permanent structures have power to them. Some camping sites may be close enough to get power.
The use of power by campers is strictly restricted to lighting and refrigeration only. All cooking should be done on LPG appliances. Strictly NO microwaves, toasters or toaster ovens etc. Air-conditioning may be used in off peak times only, i.e. during the night when there is little load on the generators.
Preference will be given to those requiring power to recharge camera equipment etc and for medical appliance use.
If the load gets too great, we will simply "load shed", people from South Australia are used to this.
Lighting and Head Torches
There is one public lighting point provided for the whole of the camp. We will not be providing lighting to the general campsite or day parking areas. It is recommended that you bring a head torch or similar torch to the event with you so you can make your way safely around your campsite, as the ground in the camping area can be rough or have holes in places.
There is bore running water available at the DLRA Camp. Please bring your own drinking water supplies. The canteen will be selling bottled water, but of course this is an expensive option so please plan to bring your own drinking water based on what you think you will need for the duration of the event
There is no dump point or collection of grey water at the Mt. IveCamp. What you bring in you take out.
There is male and female aboultion blocks, with toilets and showers. These will be cleaned twice a day by DLRA volunteers.
NOTE: There is no dump point at the DLRA camp do not dump into the permenant or portable toilets and
human waste is not to be left in the bush. Anyone found dumping will be removd from the event imeadiately.
Dump Points
The closest dump points to Lake Gairdner are;
- Camp Ground at Iron Knob,
- Sports Ground at Kimba
- Big 4 Holiday Park at Port Augusta,
- Shoreline Caravan Park at Port Augusta,
- BP Service Station at Port Augusta,
Please use the RV Dump Points & Sani Dump Points in South Australia website for locations and more information.
There are no rubbish bins or rubbish collection within the DLRA camp or on the Salt. It is your responsibility, what you bring in - you take out.
There are male and female hot showers at the DLRA camp.
Camp fires are NOT PERMITTED as Speed Week takes place during the South Australian Fire Season whihc does not finish until April.. No timber collection is permitted within or adjacent to the DLRA Camp. Chainsaws are most definitely not allowed.
Dogs and other animals
The DLRA Camp is on Mt. Ive Homestead land, No dogs or pets are allowed and for that matter the salt is part of the Lake Gairdner National Park.
Unregistered vehicles
South Australian road rules and regulations apply. Unregistered motorbikes, buggies or other vehicles are not to be used anywhere within the DLRA Camp or surrounding property and roads. The DLRA Camp is on private land and South Australian Police will be in attendance.
Speed Limits
Speed Limit within the DLRA Camp is strictly walking pace only. This is as much for people safety as it is to keep the dust down. People found exceeding the speed limit may be asked to leave.
View Lake Gairdner in a larger map
Using this interactive map you can zoom out to see where the DLRA camp is in relation to the Lake and the road into the Lake.
Learn More...
- Spectator Information
- Online Booking
- Speed Week Program of Events
- Spectator Check List
- Operational Plan
- Mt. Ive homestead
- The DLRA camp
- The Mt. Ive camp
- Cleaning your Vehicle
- Frequently Asked Questions
Additional Recommended Reading
- Lake Gairdner
- How to get to Lake Gairdner
- Getting Started
- Track Layout
- Volunteers Register
- Dehydration
Support the DLRA
- Promote your business by advertizing in the DLRA Newsletter
- Sponsors Information